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Matt Wilson


Creator of Quest For The Badge

A Bit About Me

During my time as an explorer from 2008 to 2010, I gained valuable insight into the world of firefighting and emergency services. This hands-on experience allowed me to familiarize myself with the skills, procedures, and challenges faced by firefighters. It also ignited a passion within me to pursue a career in this noble profession.


As I transitioned from being an explorer to actively testing for firefighting positions across the nation, I was able to apply my knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios. Each testing process provided me with a unique learning experience, allowing me to refine my skills and understand the requirements of different agencies. Despite facing challenges and setbacks along the way, my determination to succeed never wavered.


In 2017, my perseverance paid off when I was finally hired by Las Vegas Fire and Rescue. This achievement not only fulfilled a lifelong dream but also marked the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. My experience in testing for multiple agencies across the nation has not only helped me gain valuable experience but also provided me with a


comprehensive understanding of the hiring process from the candidate's perspective.

Today, as a member of Las Vegas Fire and Rescue, I continue to grow and develop as a firefighter. My new experience form the inside looking out on the testing process has given me a unique perspective on what agencies look for in candidates and how aspiring firefighters can best prepare themselves for the challenges ahead. I am dedicated to sharing my experiences and knowledge with others, helping them achieve their goals of becoming firefighters and making a meaningful impact in their communities.

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